
Magical Creatures

Today marks the launching of a new venture, so get out those lady luck candles and send your good vibes to Varla! Weiser Books has created a series of electronic books and yours truly is the official curator of the Magical Creatures and the Paranormal Parlor series. I’ve been combing dusty stacks and virtual archives

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Huffington Post: Get Your Freak On!

Huffington Post’s Weird News is host to many fantastic and freaky tidbits of current events and mercurial musings on all things strange including the paranormal! Well I am honored to join the ranks as a blogger for such a remarkable website. You can read my first post here:  

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Rattling Rafters and Haunting Moons

Recently I had the privilege of staying overnight at Preston Castle, an old boy’s reform school in Ione, California. It looms above the sleepy little gold rush town, peering down upon the vineyards and scraggly pines with half-shuttered window-eyes and a toothless brick grin. When we arrived the moon was on the rise, nearly full

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